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Patient Information


Please find below explanations for medical terms and conditions:



Arthritis occurs when the smooth cartilage surface covering the joints is worn away. This can be caused by wear (osteoarthritis) or inflammatory conditions (Rheumatoid arthritis).


Brachial Plexus

The brachial plexus refers to the network of nerves which originate from the spinal cord in your neck which pass into the arm, thereafter controlling all muscle and sensory functions of the hand and arm.


Carpal Tunnel Syndrome



CT Scan

Compression of one of the 2 main nerves in the palm of the hand commonly resulting in tingling numbness and sometimes weakness. 

This is the term for the tight conjectures in the palm caused by Dupuytren's Disease

Complex Regional Pain Syndrome. This is a rare condition which is not thoroughly understood but involves disturbance to the circulation and nervous system of the hand. This can happen after any hand injury or surgery. This leads to abnormal sensations, feeling and stiffness. Most people do not get this condition. Of those that do, it can be problematic though the vast majority get better with medication and hand therapy.

This is a scan using lots of X-rays to build up a 3 dimensional image of the bones or soft tissues of the body. It is very quick, quiet and used commonly.



Dupuytren’s Disease

Distal Inter-Phalangeal Joint. This is the end knuckle joint in your finger, immediately before the fingernail

Dupuytren’s disease is characterised by thickening of the skin in the palm of the hand. It is a problem with the fibrous tissues beneath the skin. The thickened fibrous tissue can produce cords which restrict the movements of the fingers and pucker the skin. It was first described in 1831 by Baron Guillaume Dupuytren who was a French Surgeon.



Any break in the bone, whether partial or complete.


General Anaesthetic

This is the term when you are put to sleep for an operation. You can go home the same day provided someone is at  home with you overnight.


Local Anaesthetic

This is an anaesthetic agent which is most commonly injected thus blocking pain from that area. For operations performed under local anaesthetic you will be awake but will not need to see anything.



Magnetic Resonance Imaging. This is a scan which uses magnets to build up a picture of the inside of your body. It uses no radiation and is therefore very safe. Sometimes a dye is injected before the scan to help differentiate tissues in the scan images.


Regional Anaesthetic

Anaesthetic  drugs are injected around the main nerves to a part of the body which allows a large area to become numb and pain free, for example the whole arm. This can be used in combination with a general anaesthetic for pain relief after the surgery or in isolation, so you can stay awake for the surgery.

Rotator Cuff The four muscles and tendons which help stabilise and move the shoulder joint.




Subacromial impingement

Steroids are naturally occurring chemicals normally found in the body. Medical use of steroids is common and they are commonly injected into athletic joints to act as an anti-inflammatory to reduce the symptoms of arthritis.

Pain in the shoulder resulting from degeneration and irritation of one of the rotator cuff tendons as it passes under the bony prominence of the shoulder. It can be treated with physiotherapy, injections or surgery.